Saturday, December 24, 2011

Our Wildlife - People and the Fauna of the American West

!±8± Our Wildlife - People and the Fauna of the American West

(With an emphasis on the Southwest and Arizona's Mogollon Rim, and the significance of these animals to the indigenous cultures of the West)

Part I.)


Throughout the nineteenth century, the American West was the destination of an astoundingly tremendous number of people: The east experienced an economic recession in 1837 that prompted many pioneers to head west, looking for better opportunities and a new life; gold was discovered in California in 1848, and when the rumor spread the following year, the "'49ers" flocked to the goldfields there, in what has been said to have been the largest human migration since the Crusades; then, after the Civil War ended in 1865, many disenfranchised Southerners decided to leave their devastated homelands and head in the same direction as the pioneers and prospectors before them.

It all began in earnest at the beginning of that century, after the Louisiana Purchase of 1803 and the subsequent Lewis and Clark expedition (1804-1806). This 'Corp of Discovery' was launched to assess and take inventory of this 828,800 square mile tract of United States land newly acquired from France, most of which had not been documented (and also to keep foreign interests such as England from intruding by establishing an American presence upon it). One of the major tasks assigned to them was to record and classify what would prove to be an amazing array of animals previously unknown to science, which then President Thomas Jefferson had a passionate interest in.

The later arrivals were arguably just as impressed by both the creatures themselves and their shear, incredible numbers; the bison herds were especially impressive in the latter sense.

Unfortunately, while the waves of newcomers were indeed awed by these animals, these very same people were actively and rapidly depopulating the wildlife. Many of these populations, such as the bison, beaver and wolf, have never entirely recovered.

Yet these new emigrants were not the only ones to blame for this devastatingly severe reduction in the numbers of these species. In fact, the Native American Indians became involved and were also actively participating in the devastation. Many of 'The People', as they have commonly called themselves, had become increasingly dependent upon trade goods and thus more indebted to the traders; the latter reacted by demanding more pelts and hides from the former, in exchange for debt relief and items the Natives couldn't manufacture themselves nor acquire elsewhere.

Most people usually think of the Great Plains horse culture when they think of the indigenous people of the West. Yet, there are other cultural regions in the American West, each with it's own unique customs, languages, cosmologies, stories, ceremonies, and spiritual practices. Furthermore, within each region is a variety of groups, whose diverse customs were and are similar, but not exactly the same.

In the traditional beliefs and world-views of The People, the animals all around them have been perceived as being spiritually potent, each creature possessing their own unique and individual powers.

The region now known as the American Southwest is rich in both native fauna and the diverse habitats of this wildlife, in spite of the ecological destruction of the past and, unfortunately, also that which continues to some extent into the present. Despite popular opinion, this area is not merely barren desert, but includes a wide variety of different environments; even the deserts aren't the wasteland that people might believe them to be, differing greatly from each other in their diversity. There are, in fact, forests and other ecological zones in the great Southwest.

Interestingly, the largest Ponderosa Pine forest on earth, at over 3.9 million acres, is located in Arizona, the very state with an undeserved reputation of being absolutely nothing but cactus, sand and heat. This conifer forest is found in the North-Central part of the Grand Canyon State, along the base of the Mogollon Rim, which is the southern boundary of the130,000 square mile Colorado Plateau. Geologists say that the Rim was created by seismic uplift 600 million years ago, along with the forces of erosion.

The Ponderosa Pine habitat along the 200 mile long Rim stretches from the vicinity of Flagstaff in the west all the way to the White Mountains far to the east. Within these woods are forests within forests, including the increasingly rare riparian, or stream-side woodland, habitats. There is also the mixed forests of comparatively small Pinyon Pines and Juniper which encroach upon, and intermingle with, the giant evergreens. The predominate, great Ponderosa Pines can grow to an average height of 165 feet tall and four feet in diameter when fully mature. Immature Ponderosas are blackish, but the bark turns to more of a rust color once they reach maturity, which can be up to four inches thick.

Although the Southwest may not be entirely desert, this reputation is somewhat justified. The aforementioned state of Arizona is two-thirds desert, only a third of it comprised of other environments such as the forests described above. The Grand Canyon state itself is the only one in the country where four deserts converge: the Sonoran Desert in the south; the Mojave in the west; the Great Basin Desert in the northwest; and a portion of the Chihuahuan in the far southeast corner of the state, most of which is in present-day Mexico. But whether desert, conifer forests or streams, this all adds up to a great abundance of wildlife habitat, not only in Arizona, but all throughout the entire, immense Southwest.

The term 'animal' doesn't only include fur-bearing mammals, but is used to classify any living thing from an the tiniest insect to a fully mature, male Blue Whale. There are approximately an astounding two million animal species worldwide; Arizona alone has an estimated 900 different varieties of wildlife.

Animals are divided into two main groups. The first are the numerous invertebrates, which lack backbones, and would include anything from a worm to an insect. Vertebrates, then, are the group of animals that do possess spinal columns, any creature from fish to mammals. In total, there are estimated to be only 43,000 species of animals with backbones on the planet. This is a fraction of the life on earth when compared to the various types of invertebrates such as insects.

Mammals, such as bears and us humans, are what most people think of when they think of animals. These two terms are often used interchangeably. But while all mammals are animals, not every animal is necessarily a mammal, since there other types of animals ranging from insects to birds. Typically, mammals are fur-bearing, maintain a constant body temperature (a condition commonly known as being 'warm-blooded'), with the females giving live birth and producing milk for their young. This is unlike, if not the opposite of, other animal groups, such as reptiles for example.

One way to categorize mammals is by their different behaviors and habits. A very common behavioral trait among many mammals is nocturnal activity, meaning that they are primarily, although not necessarily exclusively, active at night. A nocturnal mammal usually depends more on their senses of smell and hearing than sight. These animals have adapted such acute senses not only because of the darkness, since many do actually have night-vision, but also because sounds and scents travel better on the cooler, damper nighttime air. Most mammals are nocturnal, including some of us humans, such as the majority of us living in a college town, for example...

Humans and a few other mammals are diurnal, meaning that they are primarily active during the daytime. These are a minority, however, and in the Southwest would include coyotes, squirrels and chipmunks, the majority of people with the exception of college students, and few if any others. Most birds, incidently, are diurnal too, with owls being the most notable exception.

A third type of behavior is crepuscular, a less well-known but common habit among mammals. This term simply means that the animal is most active at dawn and dusk, which is sensible because temperatures are usually more moderate and less extreme at these intermediate times of day. Many of the Southwestern High-Country wildlife demonstrates this behavior, such as elk, deer and even coyotes sometimes.

Although not an everyday year-round habit like those mentioned above, some mammals hibernate. This winter behavior isn't really sleep in the usual sense, but is more like a very deep sleep or stasis, almost like a coma state; most people are less familiar with the opposite term, 'estivation', a summer stasis practiced by creatures who bury themselves during the hot, dry months, such as the Sonoran Toad. The raccoon is said to be a partial hibernator, as is the first animal to be discussed here. Many assume this creature hibernates throughout the entire winter, but typically doesn't:

Black Bear, Ursus americanus:

'Black Bear' is only this animal's common name; Ursus americanus can be found in colors ranging from blonde to cinnamon to various shades of brown, as well as black. There is even said to be a white 'Black' Bear in Western Canada; this 'Spirit Bear' represents power and prestige to the Coast Salish people of the region.

Approximately five feet long, three feet high and up to 300 pounds or more, the crepuscular Black Bear is actually the smallest of the bears native to North America and the only one now found in the wild Southwest. These other bears include the much larger Grizzlies (up to 850 lbs.), Polar Bears (600 - 1,1,00 lbs.), and Kodiaks, or Alaskan Brown Bears (up to 1,500 lbs.)

Like the Black Bear, Grizzlies have been culturally significant to Native American Indians. The Nootka, or Nuu Chal Nulth, a Northwest Coast people of Vancouver Island, Canada, would personify this bear during their annual Winter Dance ceremony. The Grizzlies once occupied and competed for the same territory as the Black Bear, but Grizzly Bears have been eradicated from much of their former range. It is, significantly, a Grizzly that is depicted on the California State flag, a state where none of them roam in the wild anymore; this is also true of most other western states, with Montana and Alaska being notable exceptions. Black Bears, however, have adapted and survived.

Even at such a relatively large size when compared to many other animals, the Black Bear can run at speeds of up to thirty miles per hour. This is due in part to the fact that these bears are structured much like humans, since their hind limbs are longer than their front limbs, giving them extra torque. This also makes them excellent climbers and better at running uphill than down. Their one-and-a-half inch long claws also help with their climbing ability, not to mention making them rather dangerous. Remember: "If you're too close, it's too late!" Yet despite their dangerously long claws and fangs, these bears are, surprisingly, mostly vegetarian.

The males are known as 'boars' and females as 'sows'. Like some humans, male and female Black Bears only tolerate each other during breeding. Both sexes only partially hibernate, as previously mentioned and despite popular opinion to the contrary. They will spend about three months of the winter in their dens instead of the full six or more, living off of their own accumulated body fat during this time.

In the Athabascan language of the Southwestern Apache, the Black Bear is known as maba. Among American Indian cultures of the West in general, the Black Bear is traditionally believed to have healing powers, or spiritual 'Medicine'. This is probably because of the bear's alleged ability to know exactly which medicinal plants to eat when they are sick. The Zuni of New Mexico, for example, still carve stone figures popularly known as 'fetishes', said to actually possess something of the spirit and characteristics of the animals they depict. The bear is known to the Zuni as 'Clumsy Foot', the animal of the Blue West, whose fetish has been used to promote healing. Among certain Pueblo people, of whom the Zuni are one of many, bear paws would be used in curing rites. The Omaha and Pawnee people of the Plains were known to have had elite Bear Societies, with membership restricted only to those who had dreams and/or visions of bears. These members were not only warriors, but were also said to have been great healers, as one might expect of a group named after the bear.

The Pomo people still reside in the northern coastal region of California, and they were once tormented by 'Bear Doctors'. These individuals were said to be possessed by the spirit of the bear and would wear entire bearskins, complete with the head worn like a hood. Reportedly, they spent their time exhibiting a bear's worst behavior rather than healing others with their alleged powers. However, bear dances which are intended to heal are still performed, and the Ute people of Southwest Colorado have a social dance by this name. Bears are so revered, if not feared, that among certain Subarctic peoples, bear skulls were decorated to honor the powerful spirit of the bear, still said to be residing within it.

[If it seems that these peoples have been preoccupied with treating illness, perhaps it is because they were and for a valid reason. Originally The People of North America had only two domestic animals, namely the turkey and the dog; unlike the encroaching Caucasians, they had no immunity to the diseases which livestock transmit to humans such as chicken pox and swine flu. It is very likely that their emphasis on healing rituals was a post-contact development due to the spread of epidemics, which they contracted from Europeans and their descendants.]

In the Southwest, the bear paw is a symbol of good luck, which is why this design is found in so much Native artwork, such as jewelry and pottery. The reasoning might be that the Black Bear is said to always know where the water is; seeing their tracks may be considered lucky indeed in the arid Southwest, since it is probable that they could actually lead one to a scarce water source. This may very well be true, because these bears have an excellent sense of smell, which compensates for their apparent nearsightedness. They would be able to not only smell food, but also life-sustaining water, for quite some distance.

Tribal clans have been named after this bear; the Bear Clan still exists among the Hopi of Arizona and amongst other peoples, too.

Mule Deer, Odocoileus hemionus:

The 'Mule' Deer, or 'Muley' as the animal is sometimes called, has been given this particular name due to their extra long, mule, or donkey, -like ears; these can be up to nine inches long! They are a very common deer throughout the west, ranging throughout a wide variety of habitats, from deserts, to woodlands to high-country forests. Mule Deer will feed on a variety of diverse plant-life in these areas.

The Mule Deer are approximately six feet long, three and a half feet high and can weigh anywhere from 125 to 200 pounds. This makes them a mid-sized ungulate, or hoofed animal, much larger than the little Coues White-tailed Deer (only sixty-five to100 pounds), but a lot smaller than the Elk which can grow up to 1,200 pounds; both may be found in the same areas as Mule Deer. All of these animals grow antlers, which are shed or dropped annually, as opposed to horns, which are an attached part of the skull as with Bighorn Sheep, bison, or 'buffalo', and Pronghorn Antelope. Among Muleys, the antlers are shed in the winter.

[Pronghorn Antelope do shed the outer cover, or sheath, of their horns annually. Horns such as these are to be found in the material culture of The People: Antelope horns were sometimes used in the headdresses of the Southwest's Apache people; designs incorporating horns, found on items such as their shields, were said to provide power to the owner, since horns understandably represent strength; horns would also be used in Pueblo headdresses and masks, and deer antlers are also used in this same manner. The Pronghorn Antelope is, incidently, the fastest mammal in North America, reaching speeds of up to sixty miles per hour.]

Mule Deer are probably the most commonly sighted of the larger mammals of the American West. Visitors to the high-country are especially delighted by a deer sighting, as they are very beautiful animals (hunters are, of course, happy to get the deer in their sights...). Despite their docile appearance, however, deer are still wild animals and can be dangerous, especially when cornered; they will normally give a fair warning by spreading all four of their legs apart in a position known as 'stotting'. But, if you're too close, it's already too late.

Partly because they are so widespread, this species has been especially useful to American Indian peoples throughout the west, and not only for the meat: Leather could be used for clothing, of course, and other items including sports balls used in the popular game known as 'shinny'; the antlers could be made into a variety of different tools; the scapula, or shoulder blade bone, with serrated edges were used as effective plant cutting tools in the Southwest; tendons were used in the manufacture of bowstrings and to reinforce the bows themselves, and also as sinew twine for sewing; and even the brains were used for tanning the hides.

Various parts of the deer have been used not only for everyday utilitarian purposes, but also to manufacture ceremonial items. Dance rattles have been made by various groups by hanging bunches of dried deer toenails, or 'dew-claws', from the end of either a deer bone or a stick. Rattles made from hooves are common among the Pueblo groups. The Zuni and others have used bundles of deer scapula strung together and shaken as a sort of rattle during ceremonies, such as the Kachina, or katsina, dances. This is evidently a very old custom: Scapula with painted geometric designs were found at an archaeological cave site known as Cueva Pilote in northern Coahuila Mexico, apparently for the same purpose; occupation of the site has been dated from 1000 - 1400 A.D.. Among certain Paiute bands of the Great Basin, rattles would be made from two deer ears sewn together and filled with gravel, ready to use once they had dried into rawhide. The Navajo, or Dineh', and other groups of the Southwest such as the Hopi are known to make ceremonial masks from deer-hides. The Kiowa of the plains made deer tail charms known as tatonto. The Uncompagre Ute also utilized deer tails, but merely as one of several items used to decorate their babies' cradle-boards.

To the Hupa, Yurok, and the Karuk people further inland, where the southern Northwest Coast and California regions converge, deerskins have been both practically useful and spiritually symbolic. Unusually colored hides are displayed as status-symbols in annual Deerskin Dances, and very rare ones such as albino, or white-deerskins, are still considered especially prized and valuable to these people (Although part of the larger Northwest Coast culture, the Hupa of northern California traditionally speak an Athabascan language, which they have in common with both the Navajo/Dineh and Apache of the Southwest region; their Karuk and Yurok neighbors have Hokan and Algonquian languages, respectively). Deer dances are also held elsewhere, such as among the various Pueblo villages of the Southwest, like that of Taos and Acoma of New Mexico. Elsewhere in New Mexico, the people of Cochiti Pueblo maintain the yaphashi shrine, composed of a twin set of stone mountain lion effigies, where they leave offerings of deer antler.

Although very useful, the Mule Deer were never necessarily easy to kill. Because of this, the People have resorted to a variety of hunting strategies, including snares and other methods. Dead-fall traps can be created by camouflaging deep holes with branches, sticks and other debris. These were once commonly used in the eastern Mount Shasta region of the Far West; they were so common, in fact, that the name 'Pit River' was applied to both the predominate waterway and the Achumawi peoples of the area who created these traps. If hunting with bow and arrow, individuals might disguise themselves in entire hides including the head, sometimes complete with antlers. Also, various poisons might be added to arrowheads, made from everything from Black Widow or rattlesnake venom to rancid meat, which would reduce the speed of their shot but still fleeing prey.

The People would also seek spiritual aid in hunting Mule Deer. The Southwestern deer dances mentioned above, along with the accompanying songs, were originally intended as a prayer to the deer, asking them to offer their lives so that The People may have them for food (similar hunting rituals would have been done in other regions also). These dances are now performed, it seems, more to honor those deer that fed their ancestors than to attract the deer, although certainly some of these people still hunt for venison. The Zuni paint pottery with a deer motif that has a distinct 'heart-line', a red line running from the mouth to the heart and ending in a sort of arrowhead point (fetishes often have heart-lines, too). Sources say that the very act of painting these deer was once meant as a form of prayer itself. This was intended for good luck in hunting, possibly in the belief that the deer might be attracted to their own image; interestingly, research suggests that, in many cases, creating rock art may have been a similar act of prayer as well.

Elk, Cervus elaphus:

The Elk probably numbered somewhere about 10,000 individuals in what is now known as North America around the time Colombus landed toward the end of the fifteenth century; it is estimated that they are now ten times fewer in numbers, and there are only this many left due to conservation efforts.

Elk are, in a word, huge: males, or bulls, can weigh in at up to 1,200 pounds; females can weigh about 450 or more; a newborn calf weighs approximately thirty-five pounds, which is around the size of a full-grown raccoon. Despite their size, elk are fast, averaging thirty to forty miles per hour; they could conceivably outrun a Black Bear. The antlers of an adult bull can be up to five feet long with as many as six points, or spikes. Like deer and bison, elk are members of the ungulate, or hoofed, animal family, and like deer they have antlers which are shed annually instead of more permanent horns.

They can do some real damage with those antlers, and in unexpected ways, too. The antlers are used both for display and in ritual combat, but before that can occur, they must be polished during the autumn rut. Since antlers are shed, the vessels for growth are on the exterior, forming a fuzzy material known, appropriately enough, as 'velvet'. Small sapling trees are often used for rubbing off excess velvet and otherwise cleaning the antlers. This 'girds' the young trees and kills them, essentially disrupting the flow of nutrients due to the exposure of the inner layer. In the high-country, individual saplings and even entire little groves can be found dead, yet still standing, with their bark stripped, often around the whole circumference. Typically, only one part of the tree below the lower most branches is targeted for this vigorous rubbing, but even this select exposure is enough to kill the tree. As destructive as this seems, some of the conifer forest is overgrown and some thinning might be healthy for the ecosystem. But the dead fuel could conceivably create a fire hazard and possibly an insect infestation. Either way, it is notable that creatures other than humans can have an impact on the environment, even a detrimental one. In the forested high-country motorists must always be cautious and watch for the wildlife, which will appear in the road unexpectedly; this is particularly true of the massive elk. The cross-traffic often has four legs instead of four wheels, and can occur virtually anywhere along a mountain highway, intersecting roads or not. Furthermore, they are brownish animals with an even darker mane on their chests, which are crepuscular but often active at night. This makes even this huge and seemingly obvious animal very well camouflaged and extremely difficult to see. Once one is too close to them while behind the wheel, it can really be too late; the vehicle and passengers often suffer as much damage as the elk, if not more so, whenever there's a collision between them.

Elk have been very useful to American Indian people and continue to be a popular game animal still (A popular joke among reservation people of the Plains, such as the Lakota Sioux, is that they do not poach cattle but have been known to hunt down 'slow elk' instead). Their importance seems to be reflected by the large numbers of elk depicted as petroglyphs, or rock art carvings, throughout the Southwest. Obviously, these animals, like the comparably sized bison or 'buffalo' (at 800 - 2,000 lbs.), would provide people with a lot of meat and hides. However, elk have had other traditional uses also.

The elk antlers were especially useful. For example, peoples such as the Hupa, Karuk and Yurok traditionally had currency with a fixed value in the form of tusk-shaped dentalium shells, Dentalium (Antalis) Pretiosum. In fact, the peoples of California, and arguably the Northwest Coast, were the only ones in all of North America to have had real currency; the well known wampum beads, created from the eastern Quahog clam shell, originally had no true monetary worth. Eventually the value of the currency spread as far as the Dakotas. This particular species of the mollusk was almost exclusively found in Nuu Chal Nulth territory, the shells finding their way south through trade. Thus, they were considered suitably valuable to people like the Hupa due to their scarcity; a small boat was worth an arm's-length strand of these shells, which were strung on Iris fiber cord. But like anyone with money, they would need something to put it in. So, these people would create containers from hollowed elk antler, complete with a slot and removable lid in the top. These antler purses would usually be ornately decorated and some artisans continue to create them even today.

These same cultures used the antler in the manufacture of spoons, which were also ornate, a practice they had in common with coastal peoples farther to the north and also with the Arapaho of the Great Plains. This utensil was used for eating acorn soup by the Hupa and their neighbors. The Pomo Bear Doctors carried a decorated elk antler dagger as sign of their membership, which was manufactured from the tip. Also, the Utes would scrape a piece of elk antler across a notched stick, which was placed on an overturned basket and used as a rasp instrument known as a morache, played during their Bear Dance. Offerings of elk antler, to ensure success in hunting, were once left by the Blackfeet people of the Great Plains near the Yellowstone River; this eventually created a large pile resembling a pyramid.

Prehistoric elk had extra thick, muscular necks, partly to support the two huge ivory tusks which protruded from the upper lip for fighting, like those of the contemporary mammoths. Over time the elks' tusks were reduced in size and adapted more for browsing. These became known as 'ivories', which have been particularly important to the Great Plains cultures. Evidently, people in this area have valued them for centuries: Located along the Missouri River in North Dakota, the Fort Yates archaeological site has yielded elk ivory ornaments which are approximately 530 years old. At birth, Lakota boys would be given an elk tooth to promote longevity, since this is the last part of the animal's remains to decompose. The roots of these elk tusks were typically perforated for sewing and then they were used to profusely decorate the front of women's dresses, usually sewn on in row upon horizontal row. Since each elk only has two of these types of teeth they are relatively rare, so such a dress would be a real status symbol and the teeth would be quite valuable since they are so scarce. For example, a Crow, or Absoroka, groom would have to pay a bride-price of 300 ivories for his bride's wedding dress. Ivories were once such valuable trade items that the exchange rate was100 for one horse. These teeth are still popular jewelry pendents and are worn by some as a symbol of love, apparently because of the following attribute of the elk:

Among these Great Plains groups, not only the teeth, but the elk themselves have also been culturally and even spiritually significant. In autumn, the male bull's loud mating calls are frequently heard. This 'bugling' is audible from a great distance, attracting not one, but several females, or cows, forming what is known as a 'harem'. Young men of the prairies would want to access the spiritual Love Medicine power of the elk, to hopefully attract mates for themselves. They may have enlisted the assistance of a shaman, or 'Medicine Man', specializing in Elk Medicine. The image of the bull elk has frequently been depicted on pouches, shields and other Plains Indian items, evidently for this very reason.

In Lakota the elk is known as hehaka, but they are better known by a different American Indian word: Wapiti, another common name for the elk, is derived from the Shawnee language of the Eastern Woodlands, meaning, appropriately enough, 'White-rump'!

Next: Part II.), Smaller Mammals...

By Lee Littler
Copyright, 2011

Our Wildlife - People and the Fauna of the American West

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Monday, December 12, 2011

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Thursday, December 8, 2011

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Saturday, December 3, 2011

In-Depth Automotive Review - 2008 Ford Focus - Test Drive & Pricing

!±8± In-Depth Automotive Review - 2008 Ford Focus - Test Drive & Pricing

Seventh day of April, I decided to make the trip to the local Ford dealer and take a look at some potential hot topics for my next article. The one car that stood out was obviously the new 2008 Ford Focus. It was the one car that I have been used to seeing in the same body style for almost the last eight years, it was a sigh of relief to see a refreshed incarnation of Ford's breakthrough small car. From what I did see, the car received my approval for some good copy, so I'll take a quick look at the Focus and find out exactly what it wants from the small economy market.

Starting out, the Focus' outward looks were starkly similar to what I had driven as a rental the last number of years. Not very encouraging news for Ford, nor for the shoppers looking for different pastures. I found the styling to be ultra conservative, a should have been Focus in 2003 as opposed to today as this segment has a lot more attractive vehicles for the money. The overall impression however, is one of middle of the road, the exterior quality was just good enough for me. The rearward fascia is more noticeably different in contrast to it's predecessor. I thought Ford could of spent much more time at the clay mold to make a much more radical design. Ultimately, I could see about 700 of these at the airport terminal rental car depot on any given day.

The interior landscape was no less different than what was outside, and I was further disappointed at the lack of creativity and craftsmanship. Seating was pseudo-comfortable, if not stiffer than I liked it. Just imagine sitting in a folding card table chair, consumers will want to get up every 15 minutes to stretch. Controls were easy to use and required very little automotive education to get the general idea of the layout, it was smart simple. I give strong kudos to the Sync system, this a slick piece of hardware for the radio, one I've been especially looking forward to in automobiles. If consumers ever consider the Focus, try out the Sync, it's incredible! My cheap test model had the crank windows, automatic transmission, c/d player w/sync, a wide array of cup holders and power outlets. It was decently equipped for the money and had everything that a commuter looks for in this class. Rear seating was taught, not suv in space, but was good enough for medium sized car poolers. In the end of my interior visual inspection, it was bargain based in design with an extra surprise element that had no added elaboration.

Lastly, overall performance for the California freeways was a little too average for my tastes. The powertrain seemed like it had to work harder for me than some of my other small cars I've driven lately. The recently reviewed 2008 Hyundai Elantra felt more rigid and powerful in my interstate testing. Pricing for this model is market competitive, but only if consumers were just looking at the Focus. My test mule rounded out at just under k with the specified equipment. And expect anywhere from 0-900 between invoice and MSRP, but the end product will leave buyers wanting more. It was difficult to leave the Ford lot disappointed, especially when I expected such huge things for the auto company. It's a good car in need of market attention, the 2008 Ford Focus will find it's buyers no problem. I would hope Ford will not give up on a segment that sells so many cars with the gasoline situation, it is just too crucial to have a competitive economy car.

In-Depth Automotive Review - 2008 Ford Focus - Test Drive & Pricing

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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

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Sunday, November 27, 2011

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!±8±Drew Shoe Women's Kelly Slip-On,Red Leather,11.5 Extra Wide US

Brand : Drew Shoe
Rate :
Price : $55.98
Post Date : Nov 27, 2011 22:57:53
Usually ships in 24 hours

With a 135-year history, Drew Shoe has refined and mastered the science of therapeutic comfort footwear. The entire collection is an inventive combination of function and style, working to keep the feet healthy and looking great. Drew Shoe selects the ultimate comfort materials to pamper and protect even the most tired, aching feet.

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Friday, November 25, 2011

Start Growing by 2-4" Today - Want to Be Porn-Star Sized? Astonishing Growth Secrets Revealed!

!±8± Start Growing by 2-4" Today - Want to Be Porn-Star Sized? Astonishing Growth Secrets Revealed!

Do you fancy growing your manhood by a MASSIVE 4 inches? If you said no then you're either a fool or a liar! The truth is that every single man would like to make their penis bigger - and with all the pressure on men to perform like a sex god in the bedroom, it's no wonder we all feel insecure. You can try and hide from it if you like but the fact is, women like men who are great in bed - and the best way to make sure that you don't disappoint is to grow yourself a huge manhood!

How can you grow by up to 4 inches?

The number on way to grow is by using a natural enlargement plan. It's a simple, yet highly effective way to create truely HUGE gains - and, best of all, it wont even cost you a single penny. It's works by letting science take over and provide all the answers, and so you can just sit back and enjoy the ride. Most men add between 2 and 4 inches in around 4 to 6 weeks and you could do the same.

Natural enhancement explained...

It works by using the same process that allowed you to grow during puberty, and that's how you can be sure that you are dealing with 100% natural growth. This way, you are working WITH your body and so you don't need anything artificial to be involved. To make your manhood grow, the only thing your body needs is biochemicals - and these are a particular set of nutrients that only usually occurs in the bloodstream during puberty (which is why you grow so much at this time). But if you use a natural enlargement plan, you can put biochemicals into the bloodstream at any time - and that means you can grow once again.

Will it be the same growth as puberty?

It's completely the same growth that you saw all of those years ago, so your body has already been through all of this once before. This time, you can just keep on growing until you are the size you want to be!

Start Growing by 2-4" Today - Want to Be Porn-Star Sized? Astonishing Growth Secrets Revealed!

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Monday, November 21, 2011

Women's Nantucket Clog Color: Tan Nubuck, Size: 8, Width: XW (Extra Wide)

!±8± Women's Nantucket Clog Color: Tan Nubuck, Size: 8, Width: XW (Extra Wide)

Brand : Nature | Rate : | Price :
Post Date : Nov 22, 2011 00:01:57 | Usually ships in 2-3 business days

natuta080X Color: Tan Nubuck, Size: 8, Width: XW (Extra Wide) Available in Multiple Colors! Nantucket Clog by Nature's Stride Features: -Women's Nantucket Clog in Black. -Available in whole and half sizes. -Available in Medium, Wide and Extra Wide width. -The sole is constructed of polyurethane. -The upper is constructed of leather. -Part of the Nantucket collection. -Leather and EVA insole. -Slip on clog. -Adjustable strap for better fit. -Removable strap. -Slip resistant outsole. -Flat heel. -Available in your choice of: -Black (natubl). -Merlot (natume). -Tan Nubuck (natuta). . Need help finding or measuring the right size for you? Need to convert your size between country standards? Click here to see our Size Guide!

More Specification..!!

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Saturday, November 19, 2011

The Right Karaoke Songs Can Get the Party Started

!±8± The Right Karaoke Songs Can Get the Party Started

It is amazing but everyone things they are a singing superstar. For some strange reason, people love to get up in front of a huge crowd and make fools of themselves. Even the shyest people in the world have their moments of careless stupidity. That's the great part about karaoke--it gives everyone a chance to cut lose for a little while and just have fun. Indeed, the right kind of karaoke songs can turn an "event" into a party and can even transform normal people into crazed lunatics--in a good way, of course.

So what kind of music will really get a party going? Well, despite the popularity of pop and hip hop in the modern world, the best songs to get people going are actually oldies. Everyone knows the classics like "Bohemian Rhapsody" by Queen or "I Got You Babe" by Sony and Cher. These can get everyone involved in the karaoke process and encourage people to hop on stage. Soon other genres will start to show up, and people will start singing pop, country, or whatever they want. Oldies sort of level the playing field though.

The best karaoke nights have a wide variety of songs for people to choose from. Everyone has that one song that they think makes them sound like Celine Dion (though most sound more like a dying mule), so a big selection is crucial for people to participate. Not every song is going to be a hit, so whenever the party starts to fizzle out, throw on another classic oldies song to get people back in the spirit. This technique is good for at least two or three rounds of fun, and most people won't even notice your strategy. They will be too busy trying to serenade their audience.

You can get some great karaoke software that will have a selection of karaoke songs already set up for you. These will allow you to pick from songs already downloaded, or you can convert the music you already have into karaoke songs. That way you don't have to mess with a bunch of CDs. Trust me, this will save a lot of time and money.

The best singing software actually let you set up a playlist or a selection of karaoke songs that you want to play. You can pick from songs already downloaded, or you can convert the music you already have into karaoke songs. That way you don't have to mess with a bunch of CDs. Trust me, this will save a lot of time and money.

So sure, karaoke songs have a reputation for bringing out the silly quality in people, but is that really a bad thing? As long as you're having fun, it shouldn't matter how strange you're acting. The next time you have a karaoke party or just a party in general, remember that oldies music is the key to success. With the right karaoke songs, you'll be guaranteed to have an instant hit, and you could very well be the talk (or sing) of the town soon after.

To see more information on the latest and greatest Karaoke Software so you can be a Singing Superstar you should visit our review page here: Quality Karaoke Software

The Right Karaoke Songs Can Get the Party Started

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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The History And Features Of Home Treadmills

!±8± The History And Features Of Home Treadmills

Home treadmills are very popular fitness machines that have improved dramatically over the last 20 years. They come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, and price ranges, so most people can find a suitable home treadmill regardless of their budget.

The history of treadmills, though, goes back farther than you might think. Would you believe that the first treadmills appeared in 1875? It's true, and they have been evolving and changing ever since.

The Beginnings of Home Treadmills

The first "home" treadmills were invented for use by animals, not people. They came about as farmers found themselves needing agricultural equipment that was portable enough to be used in different locations around their land and powerful enough to perform the job for which they were intended.

The solution was a machine powered by the motion of an animal walking. Treadmills were constructed for many different purposes and in many different sizes, depending on the animal that was going to provide the power. For example, there were butter churners that functioned with a sheep (or even a dog) providing the power via a treadmill. Other larger machines included threshing machines used in the fields and powered by horses or mules.

So how did treadmills get from the farm to the family room? The first inklings of this transformation occurred in 1952 when a doctor at the University of Washington, located in Seattle, invented a treadmill that could be used for medical purposes. Specifically, the medical treadmill was used to test patients for heart and lung disease, and evaluate the severity of their conditions.

In the 1960's the fitness equipment industry began to blossom, and home treadmills were among the first machines developed and promoted by several manufacturers. Each promoted themselves as having the best treadmill on the market, but the reality was that each different machine inevitably had its own strengths and weaknesses. Some of the earliest manufacturers included Finland's Tunturi as well as Aerobics, Inc. in the United States. Interestingly, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) contributed a great deal to the technology and mechanics of treadmills because they saw treadmills as an excellent way for astronauts to stay fit while in space for extended periods of time. NASA developed several versions that were used aboard the orbiting Skylab station in the 1970's.

Construction and Technology Changes

Early home treadmills were large and required quite a bit of space in the home. They were manually operated and controlled, meaning that the user's own motion was the driving force that kept the treadmill in motion. As technology advanced throughout the 1980's and 1990's, more advanced home treadmills began to appear on the market. These machines included advancements such as motorized tracks, motorized incline adjustment, electronic controls, programmable workouts, and most importantly to many people, compact versions that fit into smaller spaces. Now you can even get a wide width treadmill that allows you to walk your dog right alongside you while you exercise!

Basic Components

The basic components of home treadmills are important to understand and consider before you decide which brand and model to purchase. These basics are the foundation for the durability, reliability, and usability of your treadmill.

Motor - The size of the treadmill's motor is important because it will affect overall performance of the machine. A motor that is too small will not provide sufficient power and will breakdown more quickly than a motor that is the correct size for the type of use your treadmill will receive. Most experts agree that the motor should be rated at minimum of 1.5 horsepower under continuous operation if you intend to use your treadmill for walking. If you plan to run, though, or if you weigh more than 180 pounds you should look for a motor that is 2.0 horsepower or more.

Belt - The belt should be durable and not prone to excessive wear. A two-ply or greater belt is best, because a single ply belt will simply wear out and need replacement too quickly. The belt should also be large enough to accommodate the length and width of your stride. The American Council on Exercise recommends a belt length of at least 49 inches, with 50 inches or more being even better, and a width of 18 inches or more.

Deck - The deck is important because it flexes when your foot strikes it, cushioning the impact and helping to prevent injuries like shin splints, back strain, and foot problems. Look for a deck that is at least ¼-inch think and provide the lowest impact possible.

Display panel and controls - The display panel and controls should be easy to read and operate. Push button controls are best because they are easiest to use while you are in motion. The display should have large numbers and be able to show critical information like your speed, the incline you are using, the amount of time you have been on the treadmill, and the equivalent distance you have covered.

Advanced Features

Many modern home treadmills are available with features that are more advanced and may (or may not) contribute to the usability and convenience of the machine. Some advanced features are indeed useful, but many fall in the category of luxuries that do not add a lot to the machine, other than to the cost, of course.

Incline - The maximum incline on many home treadmills is 10%, which is sufficient for walkers and runners of low or average fitness levels. More serious users, though, who want a more intense workout, should opt for a maximum incline of 15%. Regardless of the maximum incline you choose, though, you should always test the machine at that maximum level to assess its stability.

Programmable controls - These advanced features can be very useful. It allows you to program your workouts so that speed, incline, and time can vary over the course of your exercise period. You can program several different workout profiles to add variety to your activity, or if there are multiple users of the machine, each person can program and store their own favorite workout profile(s).

Pre-programmed workouts - Many home treadmills come with workout profiles pre-programmed into the machine. They are typically labeled for different fitness levels and can be a very effective way for inexperience users to get started on their machine.

Built-in fan - Because the treadmill is used indoors, sweating and temperature control can be important. Some home treadmills come with built in fans, but a better option for many people is to purchase an inexpensive box or oscillating fan instead of paying extra for the built in feature.


Remember, the best treadmill is the one that you will actually use, so pay attention to the basics to ensure your machine will meet your needs. Invest in a machine that is durable enough to withstand the level of use you will give it, and you will be rewarded with reliable operation for many years to come.

The History And Features Of Home Treadmills

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Saturday, November 5, 2011

Women's Peep Toe Shoes

!±8± Women's Peep Toe Shoes

Women's peep toe shoes are never out of style. In fact, almost every season these shoes are on the top of the charts for fashion in footwear. There is something appealingly persuasive and stylish about these shoes that give its wearer an urbane sophisticated look. Moreover, this is what makes them a constant favourite with celebrities, models, and designers alike. Whether ceremonious cocktail parties or ramp shows, peep toes are universally admired.

The original version of the peep toe shoes came in three different styles-with high heels, as open-toe wedges, and as mules with stacked heels. The newer styles are modifications of these classic designs of these shoes. Newer designs add metal finishes, extra straps, chunky heels, platforms, suede, patent leather, etc.

The ankle boot style is a new variation that has both the appeal of the smart variety and the seductive boots. This particular style adds a punch to your look and personality and makes a fashion statement. Aside from the regular zipped style, one can also go for the button closures. They go well with jeans, trousers as well as skirts. Women's Peep Toe Shoes have contemporary detailing done in them, which adds a cutting edge and gives an impression of high street fashion.

The contrasting ankle straps of these shoes allow the wearer to team it up with short skirts, which looks very elegant. Some of these shoes comes with cork heels, which definitely add an extra edge to your outfit. The pumps of course are more suited for formal wear. Office wear or a business meeting a peep toe pump adds the right amount of sophistication and elegance to the attire. You can also try wearing ankle socks with your pumps mainly because stockings can be uncomfortable when it is not winter. Women's Peep Toe Wedges are so very 'in' this season! They can be paired up with textured or opaque leggings or tights.

It is not necessary that you have to purchase those shoes that will match with every outfit and can be worn round the year. However, with the right styling it can be worn year round by both young and older women. A neutral colour like black, brown, or white goes well with everything. Again, a bright coloured peep toe can also go well with a neutral outfit. This will brighten up your entire attire and give an extra edge to your look.

Women's Peep Toe Shoes completes a woman's closet. These shoes have been in vogue for a few decades, still the charm and elegance of this particular footwear has not faded away. The popularity of these shoes continues to rise even today and it has found a place in the hearts of many young women. Next time, when you are out shopping, you will see that there is a wide array of these shoes available in a variety of designs and patterns that is sure to grab your attention.

Women's Peep Toe Shoes

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